Karen ní Mheallaigh wins JHU Discovery Award

Karen ní Mheallaigh wins JHU Discovery Award

Congratulations to Prof. Karen ní Mheallaigh who has won a prestigious JHU Discovery Award (along with William Egginton (MLL), Yulia Frumer (HoST), Jeremy Greene (Medicine), Earle Havens (MSEL), and Marc Kamionkowski (Physics)) for ‘Cosmic Visions’! This collaboration will build bridges across the divide between Humanities and Physics/Astronomy and Space Science at JHU. Specifically, the project aims (1) to discover ways to make the James Webb Space Telescope and its potential findings relevant to scholarly discourse in the Humanities; and (2) to model and test new methods for integrating Physics/Astronomy with Humanistic research and teaching. Its ultimate goal is to contribute to the shaping of future generations of Humanities scholars who are science-literate – and STEM scholars who are skilled in critical humanistic inquiry.

The full list of 2022 awardees may be viewed here.