On 11th October, Richard Buckley-Gorman defended his PhD thesis on early imperial theorizing of the role of the Roman Emperor, titled The Cosmos and Man: the Empire and the Emperor […]
Yanneck Wiegers presents at CAMWS-SS
This past week, Yanneck Wiegers presented his research at the annual meeting of CAMWS Southern Section, which was hosted this year at the University of Texas at San Antonio. On […]
PhD success for Martin Michálek!
On 1st October, Martin Michálek defended his PhD thesis on Horace’s Odes, titled Horace Made Strange: Carpe Diem as Mood, Reception as Attunement (abstract below). Martin wrote his thesis with Prof. […]
Kathryn Stutz slays at UC Festival of Monsters
This Fall break, Hopkins Classicist Kathryn Stutz presented her research at the University of California Santa Cruz’s annual Festival of Monsters, in a talk titled “I Shall Have Become a […]
Marathon Men!
On Saturday 19th October, graduate student Keisuke Nakajima and Chris Londa (our Loeb Classical Library post-doctoral fellow) joined 10,000 fellow-runners to complete the Baltimore City Half-Marathon, covering a distance of […]
Hopkins Graduates at the CAAS
This weekend, three of our graduates presented their research at the Fall Meeting of the CAAS (Classical Association of the Atlantic States): We couldn’t be prouder; congratulations, Charissa, Jima and […]
New position of Assistant Professor or Associate/Full Professor in Ancient Greek
The Department of Classics at Johns Hopkins University seeks to fill a new position at open rank of (tenure-track) assistant professor or (tenured) associate/ full professor in Ancient Greek. We […]
JHU Graduate Conference “Beyond the Page: the Hidden Worlds of Ancient Science”: Now Accepting Submissions.
The JHU Graduate students are pleased to announce that we are hosting our graduate conference on March 7th-8th, 2025 and we are now seeking submissions! We are delighted to welcome […]
Marie Wei is 18th Evangelia Davos Prize Winner!
This year, the department’s Evangelia Davos prize was awarded to undergraduate student Marie Wei. Each year, the prize Evangelia Davos Prize is awarded to the undergraduate major or minor in […]
Success in research on Race and Antiquity for Professor Nandini Pandey!
Professor Nandini Pandey has won a $20K Loeb Classical Library research grant for her ongoing project Race against Time / Futures of Ancient Race. This grant will sustain the building […]