Wax Tablet is the twice-annual newsletter of the Department of Classics. It is our hope that newsletter helps preserve the important scholarship and exciting agenda of our Classics Department. In the process of creating the newsletter, our librarian Dr. Mackenzie S. Zalin brought to our attention an archive of precursor newsletters for our department, stretching back to 1878. In each issue, we will also highlight a portion of these archives from yesteryear. Ἔρρωσθε!
- Fall 2024: This issue includes features on one of our undergraduate student’s studies in Oxford, an interview with Professor Emeritus Alan Shapiro, departmental conferences, visiting professors and PhD completions, as well as introductions to our new PhD students, our new post-doctoral fellow, and a spotlight on our ever-successful Classics Research Lab.
- Spring 2023: This issue includes features of students studying in Rome, the Ancient Civilizations Club, the year’s study days and speakers, and graduate dissertation completion in Berlin.