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Emily S. K. Anderson

Associate Professor of Classics, Director of Undergraduate Studies

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Research Interests: Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age art and archaeology, material culture, craft, glyptic, human/non-human relations, the ongoing biographies of ancient forms and materials

Education: PhD, Yale University

Shane Butler

Nancy H. and Robert E. Hall Professor in the Humanities; Professor of Classics; Director, Classics Research Lab; Director of Graduate Studies

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Research Interests: Latin literature, classical reception, sensation, aesthetics, queer theory, media theory

Education: PhD, Columbia University

Christopher Cannon

Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of English and Classics

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Research Interests: Medieval Latin, grammar and grammar school learning; problems of literary history; language and theories of language

Education: PhD, Harvard University

Karen ní Mheallaigh

Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities, Chair of Classics

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Research Interests: Greek literature and culture, ancient fiction, the ancient scientific imagination

Education: PhD, Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

Nandini Pandey

Associate Professor of Classics, Diversity Champion for Classics

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Research Interests: Latin literature; Roman history, politics, and visual culture; race, identity, and diversity; classical reception (especially across ages, media, and cultures); public humanities

Education: PhD, University of California, Berkeley

Matthew Roller

Professor of Classics

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Research Interests: Latin literature; Roman social and cultural history; Graeco-Roman philosophy

Education: PhD, University of California, Berkeley

Joshua Smith

Assistant Professor of Classics

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Research Interests: Greek language and literature, ancient scholarship, history of literary criticism

Education: PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dimitrios Yatromanolakis

Associate Professor of Classics

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Research Interests: Ancient Greek vase-painting and vase-inscriptions; Greek epigraphy and papyrology; Greek art and archaeology; archaic and classical Greek sociopolitics; history of performance cultures; music archaeology; art history and the European avant-garde

Education: DPhil, University of Oxford

affiliated faculty

Richard Bett

Professor, Philosophy

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Research Interests: Ancient Greek philosophy

Education: PhD, University of California, Berkeley

Richard Jasnow

Professor, Near Eastern Studies

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Research Interests: Egyptology

Education: PhD, University of Chicago

Gareth Schmeling

Fellow-by-Courtesy, Classics
Professor Emeritus, University of Florida

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Research Interests: Petronius, Apuleius, Historia Apollonii; Greek: Chariton, Xenophon; ancient novel; textual criticism

Education: PhD, University of Wisconsin

Jennifer Stager

Assistant Professor, History of Art

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Research Interests: Greek and Roman art

Education: PhD, University of California, Berkeley

emeritus faculty

Silvia Montiglio

Professor in Classics Emeritus

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Research Interests: Greek literature and culture; the ancient novel; Homer; philosophy

Education: Doctorat, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales

H. Alan Shapiro

W. H. Collins Vickers Professor of Archaeology Emeritus and Academy Professor

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Research Interests: Greek and Roman art and archaeology; Greek iconography and religion

Education: PhD, Princeton University


Christian Prezzano

Information Technology Specialist

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Anna Wong

Academic Program Administrator

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Christopher Londa

Loeb Classical Library Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow

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Research Interests: Latin poetry & prose; Roman socio-cultural history; enslavement; practices of reading & writing; authorship; labor; property; archives.

Education: PhD, Yale University

Visiting Faculty

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